In the never-ending controversies in our dear country, Malaysia, another issue has arisen and bared it fangs. That's right folks, after countless finger pointing, flaming, alleged sodomy(guess who) and political bickering in accordance after the kind-of-recent General Erection, ahem, i mean Election, another event that could "incite emotions" have caught the country.
Ah well, as you all well know, everything have 2 sides. There are some who see fit to conduct this bar as to "discuss" matters(i'll explain later) regarding on Islam, while another side of the river decides, "Hey, they're trying to build as bridge crossing right into our area" So, yadda yadda yadda(flaming, etc, u all know the rest).
First of all, u all can find waht's teh purpose of this council is here
But waht really interests me is whether this forum can actually be held. Is the time right? Does the Malaysian mentality allows this kind of open forum? Can there truly be those who listen?(and improve perhaps? =$) But alas, no... The side who felt that their territory was encroached staged a huge protest(bout 300 ppl) and proceeded to barge in the forum.(Forcefully and melodramatically) Fuh, kuat!!! Ironically, Former one-time Bar Council member and Parti Keadilan Rakyat's Kulim Bandar Baharu MP, Zulkifli Noordin lead the loud n raving protest.(I smell a case of backstabbing)
An example here :
I would like to ask this: is the forum really is AGAINST Islam? Those protesters probably listened to some windy rumours that the forum is and staged an upstart to bitch the forum. I really have no respect to these ppl who just blindly believe racial leaders and don't bother to check out the info on their own. For God's sake, the internet is there. Just go google and type... Wait, maybe you guys dun even know how to type. Syabas lah. That's just too bad.
To me, i only see it that this forum is discussing a matter that have plagued interracial marriages tat had and will happen. Hmm... What those guys are doing are only showing tat violence solves everything. Good job. Just keep doing that. DOes Muslim advocate such behaviour? Sheesh... Maybe they can learn from these fellas :
ISLAM bukan dicemari Majlis Peguam tetapi...
written by Nik Elin Zurina Bt Nik Abdul Rashid, 10 August, 2008 at 01:10 am
You decide for yourself. Hmm...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
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Sedih. Itulah perasaan saya semasa membaca artikel ini. Mengapakah begitu kuat bantahan hanya semata mata kerana Majlis Peguam mengadakan sesuatu yang sudah lama terbuku dibanyak sanubari?
Tidakkah pendemonstrasi terasa bahawa sememangnya terdapat permasaalahan yang dihadapi oleh mereka mereka yang tidak mahu dikongkongi oleh ugama kita? Adakah apabila terdapat masaalah, kita harus menolaknya dibawah permaidani, dan biarkan ianya menimbun sehingga menyebabkan ramai orang akan "trip" dan terjatuh akibat bongolan yang tidak dapat diratakan. Dan akhirnya menjadi gunung berapi yang meletup kerana terlalu lama dibendung.
Islam yang sebenar benarnya mengutamakan keamanan, dan tidak pernah mengalakkan keganasan. Saya rasa amat malu kerana ugama Islam saya telah tercemar, bukan oleh Badan Peguam, tetapi oleh pemprotes pemprotes yang mengakui diri mereka sebagai Islam tetapi sebaliknya menganjurkan perangai tidak menghormati orang lain, dan juga sikap ganas dan keterlaluan.
Mengunakan suara yang kuat untuk mengancam, bukan bijak. Ianya menunjukan kita tidak konfiden untuk menangani isu yang mengelirukan. Sepatutnya kita berbincang dengan cara yang intelektual. Sepatutnya kita guna peluang ini untuk membuktikan bahawa Islam adalah adil. Bukan guna kekuatan dan ugutan kekerasan untuk menang.
Perbuatan mereka hanya menambahkan kekeliruan tentang Islam. Ianya membuat orang akan membenci terhadap kami.
Ini bukan caranya. Ini bukan caranya. Sepatutnya kita membantu mencari jalan penyelesaian.
Nik Elin Zurina Bt Nik Abdul Rashid